Permissionless Pilots – the fastest way to Wow!

A decade ago my partner (and SaaS legend) David Skok wrote about “Time to Wow!” – which helped you highlight how powerful it can be when the buyer experiences a Wow! moment, when they fully see the value of your …
The Never-Ending Journey: In Search of Product-Market-Fit

Many potentially great companies fail each year because, while they have an incredible product, they don’t figure out how to get it to market fast enough. Figuring out how to reach customers and break through to Product-Market-Fit remains one …
Buyer Centric Funnel Design

In my talk at the 2017 LAUNCH SCALE conference in San Francisco, I discuss how to get inside your buyer’s head to increase funnel conversion rates. In the talk, I cover:
- How to design and build a buyer-centric sales funnel
Bridge Group 2017 SaaS AE Metrics Report

Since 2007, The Bridge Group has tracked the Account Executive (AE) role and gathered data on how metrics and compensation change over time. We’ve partnered together to publish the 2017 SaaS AE Metrics Report and offer sales organizations a set …
Bridge Group 2016 Sales Development Metrics and Compensation Benchmark Report

Sales development teams are taking a much more data-driven approach in recent years by closely tracking their metrics and performance. Benchmarking your performance against other companies offers a valuable way to see how your company stacks up against the …
SaaS Sales Compensation: How to Design the Right Plan

Sales compensation is a more complex topic for SaaS/subscription revenue companies. Unlike traditional software sales, the job of sales doesn’t end when a new customer signs a contract. Instead, it is crucial to retain customers over many years, as …
SaaS Inside Sales: What you need to know

The Bridge Group have recently published a report titled:
Inside Sales for SaaS
Metrics and Compensation Report for B2B technology companies
The report is based on a survey of 197 B2B technology companies, and covers topics such as:
- Ramp
An Argument for Specialized Sales Teams — An Interview with Aaron Ross

In this article I interview Aaron Ross, co-author of a new book, Predictable Revenue. Aaron discusses his experience at starting a new group that used an innovative outbound prospecting approach (involving no cold calls) to create new leads. …
Inside Sales Best Practices: HubSpot – A Case Study

Best practices for inside sales managers. An interview with Mark Roberge, VP of Sales at HubSpot, discussing how he blends science and process with the art of selling.
HubSpot is a SaaS company selling Inbound Marketing software. HubSpot has grown …
When Selling is the Worst Way to Win Customers

Customers hate being sold to.
Customers hate being sold to. They don’t mind getting expert help when they want to buy something. But much of the time they are not ready to buy, and one of the most irritating things …
Scalable Pricing: A Key Tool For SaaS Success

Scalable pricing is a powerful tool to grow revenue in a SaaS or software business. It allows you to capture more of the revenue that your customers are willing to pay, without putting off smaller customers that are not able …
Measure Customer Engagement: Increase Conversion and Lower Churn

The goal of a SaaS CEO should be to increase the profit they make from each customer (LTV), and lower the costs in sales and marketing that it takes to acquire each customer (CAC). Measuring Customer Engagement is a key …
SaaS Business Models – Slide Deck

I presented the following set of slides to the Mass TLC group as the keynote for the “SaaS Business Model Update — Creating and Managing Revenues” event. The slides should be useful for anyone interested in learning about the key …